Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Abortion misc14 essays

Abortion misc14 essays Current Moral and Social Issues- Section 2 The Judith Thomson article relies on the argument that at the moment of conception, the fetus is a human being. In truth, all aspects on the topic of abortion depend on where to draw the line of where life actually begins. Some argue that it is a human being at the moment of birth because it can survive outside the womb respectively. But Thomson expresses her interest in all the factors and premises that are attached to theory of life at conception. Taking this into consideration Thomson states Everyone has a right to life, so the fetus has a right to life (Thomson 153). Now, when I first read this statement I initially agreed with it. But when Thomson brought in the analogy of the violinist, I realized that a lot more issues are at hand. She explained how the violinists life would be completely dependent on my participation (physically and mentally) and being something which I did not sanction (being kidnapped). This already obviously creates a flaw in the right to life theory. Being unplugged from the violinist would result in his death and therefore would be directly killing him. But in the same manner I did not volunteer that the violinist be plugged into me (154). So someone making this observation would most likely be inclined to make an exception (in this case), do to the fact that I did not willfully take upon the responsibility and burden. Thomson correctly relates that situation to a case of pregnancy due to rape. Which already would involve a nine month term followed by painful labor all of which was caused against your will. Now in response she says, They can say that all persons have a right to life, but that some have less of a right than others, in particular, ...

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