Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Dance of The Body without Organs Essay -- Electronics Essays

The Dance of The Body without Organs My present venture utilizes the idea of the Body w/o Organs as a model of masterful procedure to sabotage social, logical, and political progressive systems utilized in sorting out our conditions of awareness and exemplification. By showing up at an area of quietness, or â€Å"zero intensity† through this procedure of separating standardizing structures; new structures, designs, and associations will develop that reflect neighborhood, passionate, or silly textures. The venture exists in a few launches, including vivid virtual situations, arranged workmanship, 3-D displaying, and messages. Body w/o Organs, Deleuze and Guattari, Artaud, Virtual Reality, Virtual Environment, Irrationality, Surrealism, Visible Human Project 1.0 Situating Subjectivity â€Å"My mind turned into a position of shelter, a haven, a room I could enter with no dread of attack. My brain turned into a site of resistance.† (snares, 1991) Situated as a favored subject comparative with race and sex; I am at a transitional spot in regards to control relations. My childhood as a white male of a working class family in a line of Scottish ranchers moving to the rustic Midwestern US establishes me in the blood-doused soil of the Klu Klux Klan. I was brought up 20 years after and 30 miles from Marion, Indiana, site of incalculable primitive lynchings of African Americans. My feelings sold out the authoritative groupings of my own body and shade of tissue. I agreed with the people in question, not with my family. My longing to be finished with the coding of the legislative issues of personality in my tissue expanded my feeling of spirituality. My own selling out of skin and family joined by the certain benefit managed me by the encapsulated coding of race has made a ... and hypothetical issues identified with the innovations of vivid computer generated simulation, netart, and symbols; explicitly concerning issues of character, exemplification, and human consciousness. He has introduced and shown his work in various global scenes, including Ars Electronica, Invencao, Consciousness Reframed, Webs of Discourse, CADE, just as exhibition halls, displays, and elective spaces. His article, â€Å"A Manifesto for Avatars† was distributed in Intertexts in 1998. At present he is a meeting specialist at the Virtual Reality Center at the University of Teesside, and at the CAVE Lab, New Media Center, The University of Michigan. He is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Art/New Media at Bowling Green State University, and an Assistant Professor of Art at Kent State University.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What Does a Messy Room Say About Your Personality

What Does a Messy Room Say About Your Personality Theories Personality Psychology Print What a Messy Room Says About You By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 02, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 08, 2020 Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin More in Theories Personality Psychology Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Mental Health Personality Advantages of Messiness Disadvantages of Messiness View All Back To Top Do you ever dream of living in the perfectly clean and organized rooms of a home decor catalog? Or would you rather spend your time in a room cluttered with objects, souvenirs, books, art, and items that make up your daily life. For some people, a tidy room can be soothing. An orderly retreat in an often disorderly world. For others, such rooms can be sterile, bland, and uninspiring.  Some people feel anxious in a cluttered room while others feel their most creative amid the squalor. Organization is big business these days. From books to seminars to organizational systems, everyone seems to want to find some way to perfectly arrange every aspect of their lives.  Messiness has long been viewed as something of a character flaw or a sign of laziness. Cleanliness and organization are  presented as the idealâ€"both a sign of and path to success. But what about those that are a little bit messier or more cluttered? What does a messy room say about you? What exactly is behind messy room psychology? Mental Health Having a messy room might be the result of a lot of factors. It might mean you are busy and have little time to clean and organize. It might be a sign that you have too much stuff. Or it might be the result of having young kids in the house who are usually not motivated to clean up after themselves. But if your room is just habitually messy, does it say anything about the state of your mental health? In some instances, the state of your room might be linked to a psychiatric condition. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder, for example, may become so preoccupied with keeping things clean that any amount of disorder can become a significant source of anxiety. In other instances, people hoard items to the point that they cannot part with even the most trivial objects. Their homes fill with years and years worth of useless items, from old newspapers to plastic containers.   Does having a messy room have mental health implications? Beyond these and other serious conditions, the psychology behind a messy room can hinge on a few key factors:If having a messy room is a new phenomenonIf the mess is something that actually bothers youIf it is a sign of something deeper going on in your life Messiness Might be Normal Is your messiness habitual?Some people simply do not place a high priority on having everything clean, organized, and in its place.In this case, messiness is simply a normal state of affairs. If the house is cluttered and it’s just fine with you, then it’s probably more a sign of your personality and preferences. Messiness From Feeling Overwhelmed Does the mess bother you?If you are frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed by the clutter and disarray, then it’s a clear sign that something needs to be addressed.  Sometimes a mess might be frustrating, but figuring out where to start and how to tackle the problem can seem overwhelming.This might mean eliminating some things, learning new organizational tactics, or getting other household members to help with the cleanup. Messiness as a Sign of Depression Is the messy room something new and unusual? If you are typically neat and organized, suddenly not caring about a messy room might be a sign that something is going on in your life. For example, messiness can sometimes be a sign of depression. Depressed people often feel too fatigued or hopeless to keep up with routine household tasks.Depression can also make it harder to stay focused and have the energy to straighten up a room.  If you struggle to stay on task, it can be hard to devote the time and attention needed to keep things tidy. So while you might notice that the room is messy and have intentions to clean it up, finding the concentration and energy levels needed to do the task can be difficult or even impossible.If you suspect that your messy room might be a sign of problems in your life or a result of depression, don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk about what is going on with your doctor or consult a mental health professional to get specific advice for your situation. A co unselor, therapist, or doctor can help you get to the bottom of what’s going on and assist you in coming up with a plan of action to address the problem. Personality So what makes tidy and messy people different? Are some people just born with personalities that prefer order while others thrive on chaos? While some might suggest that a cluttered room is a sign of a cluttered mind, those who prefer this type of environment are not necessarily disorganized. Their desks might look like a jumbled mess, strewn with papers, envelopes, and files. Yet they always seem to know exactly where each and every item is when they need it. The famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was once attributed as saying, “Don’t clean up the mess. I know exactly where everything is.” In fact, some people seem to thrive in this type of environment. Some of the most creative and productive people seem to be incurable slobs. If having a perfectly neat and tidy room is what inspires you and helps you feel productive and creative, it might mean that you tend to have more of what is known as a Type A personality. People with this personality type tend to be perfectionists. Having everything in its place helps fulfill their need for order and control. But if you tend to be more laid back in your approach to housework and tidying up, it might mean that you have more of a Type B personality type. People with this personality type are more relaxed than their Type A counterparts. Rather than focusing on achieving perfection, they are more attracted to ideas, experiences, and creativity. Advantages of Messiness And there is research that supports the idea that messiness also has an upside. Researchers found that while working in an orderly room encouraged behavior such as generosity and healthy eating, working in a messy environment actually led to greater creativity.   Increased Generosity In the study, participants were asked to fill out questionnaires in a room. For some of the participants, the room was very clean and organized. For other subjects, they completed the questionnaire in a very messy, disorganized space. As they left the room, participants were offered a few choices. First, they were asked if they wanted to donate money to a charity. Then they were offered a snack: either an apple or a candy bar. Those who completed the survey in a tidy room were more likely to donate more of their own money to a charity. They were also more likely to choose the apple over the candy bar. Increased Creativity The researchers believe that doing work in a clean and tidy space activates social norms encouraging people to do what is expected of them. Working in a messy space, on the other hand, relaxes that need and allows people to break free of social norms and expectations. In a separate experiment, participants were again placed in either clean or messy rooms and then asked to complete a task, which involved finding new uses for ping-pong balls. The participants were in the messy room condition were rated by impartial judges as coming up with more creative and innovative ideas than those who are in the clean room condition. Such findings may have implications when designing workspaces, particularly for professions that require a great deal of innovation and creativity. Employers might be encouraged to allow their workers to design and create workspaces that are more highly personalized, even if that means they might be less tidy. Obviously, as the researchers explain, this doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who is exposed to a messy environment will become more creative. Some people tend to work better in highly organized spaces while others work better in less organized environments. Personality and preferences are things that come in to play in such situations. Forcing a person who prefers a tidy space to work in a disorderly environment, for example, might actually result in less creativity and lower productivity. And jobs that are focused on efficiency and fast decision-making might be better geared toward tidy workspaces, while those that hinge on creativity might be better suited to less tidy spaces. So while orderliness might be the most aspirational quality, research has also shown that there are some advantages to being messy. If you tend to have a messy room, here are some possible advantages backed by psychology research. Increased Willingness to Try New Things One study found that subjects in a messy room were capable of solving brainteasers more quickly than those seated in an organized room. The scientist Albert Einstein, famous for his genius and creative thinking, was known for having a messy desk. “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what are we to think of an empty desk?” he once asked in response to comments on his workspace. In another experiment by Vohs and her colleagues, participants were randomly assigned to either a messy or tidy room. They were then given a smoothie menu and told they were taking part in a consumer-choice study. They were told to select one of three smoothie options: a health, wellness, or vitamin boost. Half of the menus referenced the health option as classic. The other half of the menus described it as new. The results revealed that people in the tidy room condition were twice as likely to choose the classic option, while those in the messy room were twice as likely to choose the option described as new. The results suggest that people in neat and tidy environments are more likely to stick with the conventional, while people in messier environments are more likely to prefer novelty. While minimalism might be trendy, it might also be crushing your creativity. If keeping a tidy desk or room is causing you more stress than the mess itself, trying relaxing for a while, live with the mess a little, and see if it helps open up your creative abilities. Disadvantages of Messiness Of course, habitual messiness also has its downsides. A messy room can make it harder to find things when they are needed, and in professional settings, it might result in missed deadlines or losing important documents. But there are other possible downsides. Less Charitable Leanings Vohs and her colleagues found that people who had spent time in a messy room were less likely to contribute money to charity. Eighty-two percent of participants who spent time in a well-organized room were willing to contribute their own money to charity, only 47 percent of people who had spent time in a messy room we’re willing to give money. Decreased Willingness to Follow Rules Previous research has shown that people who are exposed to a disordered environment are more likely to commit crimes. This does not necessarily mean that neatniks are more moral than sloppier folks. It simply means of being exposed to an orderly environment seems to encourage rule following. This can, of course, have its upsides and downsides. In situations where following orders is important, however, it might be beneficial to keep things tidy. Less Healthy Choices In the study mentioned previously, researchers found the participants who had been in an organized room were more likely to make good health choices. Instead of choosing a candy bar, they selected an apple. These findings suggest if you were trying to improve your health, you might want to start by cleaning and organizing your space. A Word From Verywell Both order and disorder can be found in abundance in nature and in our self-created environments. Sometimes people tend to be messy in one setting and more orderly in others. As research on the topic suggests, each state has both its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In order to determine what a messy room might say about you, start by considering why the room tends to be disorderly, including your own habits, preferences, and state of mind. If you function fine in a messy room, then dont let trends pressure you into pursuing a more organized or minimalistic lifestyle. However, if the messiness is something that causes you stress or if you suspect it might be a symptom of an underlying psychological problem, consider steps you can take to address the problem. This might involve assessing your habits, getting others to help, or talking with a doctor or therapist about your concerns.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to Write a Last-minute Essay - 720 Words

How to Write a Last-minute Essay In high school I was assigned a number of essays to write. With each essay came a lengthy period of time when I was to brainstorm, develop a thesis, piece together an introduction, craft supporting arguments, and deliver an exemplary conclusion. After several attempts at stretching out this process over the allotted time, I discovered that it was to my advantage if I saved the entire project until the last day or two and raced myself against the deadline clock. What resulted in almost all my efforts were pieces of writing that used my creative talent and focused my incessant desire to write into a clear essay. Now that I am taking a college composition course, I feel that the skill of writing a quality†¦show more content†¦The writer should spend a few minutes (no more than fifteen) brainstorming a thesis for the topic and formulating ideas to support the thesis. The writer has a great advantage at this point - the added inspiration of pressure. When under pressure, there ar e no other options; the essay must be finished within the allotted time. When the writer has a good set of arguments and examples, the actual process of writing can begin. The best way to begin is to write an introductory paragraph that both entices the reader to continue and provides a solid foundation to introduce the arguments for the thesis. A healthy introduction should entice the reader to continue. When the introduction is complete, a series of body paragraphs focusing around the main arguments should be written. The order in which these are arranged is not important at the moment. The focus right now should be on writing, not the order. Remember, the deadline is approaching, so thoughts must simply be transmitted to paper as quickly as possible. Revision and editing can come later. Once the backup paragraphs have been created, logical ordering is the next step. The important aspect of ordering is not necessarily the order of the paragraphs but how they flow together. Many times the order may not be chronological, so any sequence will work.Show MoreRelatedI Have Improved As A Writer Greatly Since The Beginning Of The Year1233 Words   |  5 Pagesgreater look on how to improve writing. Since the First-Week essay and the Midterm Reflection, I have gained many skills that I can take with to college in the future. Also, I learned how to write conclusions, in text citations, bibliography and connecting the thought into another topic in the same paragraph better. Some of the skills I have gained through this course is the discipline to continue making progress on the essay, organization and not putting the project off until last minute. Some toolsRead MoreWriting and Essay1349 Words   |  6 Pages4 Steps to an Effective Scholarship Essay Typically speaking, the scholarship essays which students turn in are, well, to put it mildly, not that good. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Long History Of Unequal Treatment Among Ethnic Minority...

Introduction In the United States, there is a long history of unequal treatment among ethnic minority groups, particularly for African Americans. Unfortunately, this injustice also appears in education. Sociologists have affirmed the importance of education in shaping the economic and social prospects of individuals. As all communities in the United States have been diversified, it becomes crucial to recognize and properly deal with diversity within the classroom. All studnets should be guaranteed to have equal opportunities for quality education at school. However, racism is still prevalent in many schools today (Beswick, 4, 1990, Pennino, 2007). Racism now has different forms, like the individual instructions student can get from their teachers, and the acceptance of students among their classmates. These can have negative and lasting effects on students even when they leave school. Students must not experience any type of stereotyping, ethnic prejudice or racial violence in schools. Asante (20 03) said: Racism in education can not be overcome by the expression of goodwill, it must be constantly confronted in all conscious ways (p.223). For some poor African American students, education is usually the last existing method by which they can improve their family life level and escape from a long history of poverty. Therefore, whether the education system will provide a fair environment for them, or more specifically, whether their teacher will have prejudice among them andShow MoreRelatedEssay on African American Minority Group822 Words   |  4 PagesAfrican American Minority Group ETH/125 African American Minority Group Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. 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Ecosystems at Risk Free Essays

The negative nature and rate of change that is occurring within the Great Barrier Reef(GBR) is largely due to human induced activity. Coral reefs are vulnerable to the slightest of human impacts and the frequency in which we are doing so has dramatically increased over the years, increasing it to a global scale. Climate change along with pollution, overfishing and tourism are affecting the vulnerable ecosystems existence. We will write a custom essay sample on Ecosystems at Risk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Climate change is affecting the globe at an increasing intensity. The Great Barrier Reef is experiencing many changes that it is unable to adapt to such as a rise in the average water temperature. The unnatural change physiologically stresses the corals and upset the critical balance that maintains their symbiotic relationship with algae that inhibits it. When this process occurs the corals lose their colour becoming bleached, the recognized biological effects reduce the calcification rates, weakening the skeletons and eventually eroding coral communities.Polar ice caps are also melting due to global climate change, having serious impacts on the nature and life span of coral reefs. As the levels slowly rise, fresh water inlets will be contaminated with salt water affecting the biodiversity of terrestrial vegetation in these fragile environments. Humans impact the GBR is through numerous paths of pollution, all of which can cause serious damage. Although not directly, deforestation has many long-term impacts, as well as sedimentation, fertilizers an d pesticides, runoff and plastic build up. 2% of the world’s coral reefs are threatened by land-based pollution; both chemical and nutrient based e. g. fertilizers, herbicides, human derived sewage and pesticides. 80% of the GBR’s adjacent land is farmland that supports agricultural production. The chemicals used to maintain the farmland pose long term damage to the ecosystem due to their high levels of phosphorus and nitrates. This runoff affect occurs when the farmer uses too much of the product to maintain his land, or it is lost to ground water.Sediments that flow out from rivers with large amounts of eroded material carry with it many of the pollutants stated previously from farms that border the reef at risk. Tourism is vital to help people recognize and promote the value of protecting the Great Barrier Reef, but at the same time has certain elements involved with it, that are slowly taking toll on the environment, which will if not looked at closer, or eliminated all together destroy it for generations to come.Tourism is listed a s a major management issue to the GBR, because of the large amount of tourists and its value to the economy. The impacts range from low to high priority, and often trigger large infrastructure developments on islans and coastal communities, leading to further problems involving runoff and other pollutants mentioned earlier. Also associated with tourism, is the souvenir, ornamental and aquarium trade that severely affects the livelihood of the GBR.People taking home a small piece of the reef cause significantly widespread damage to the ecosystem and its biodiversity. For the Great Barrier Reef to be enjoyed for generations to come, protections laws need to be se t, understood and most of all abided by. The nature and rate of change is fast increasing the decline of one of Australia’s most beautiful ecosystems that should be enjoyed without disturbances. The fragile ecosystem is able to adapt to natural fluctuations and subtle changes in the ecosystem, but human activity is fast destroying it. How to cite Ecosystems at Risk, Papers Ecosystems at Risk Free Essays Humans have been associating with ecosystems and changing them for as long as the start of human life. An ecosystem is a community of species and their non-living environment working in cohesion. Ecosystems at risk, such as The Amazon rainforest and the GBR are those which are heavily affected by change and if altered they require a long time to return to their former state. We will write a custom essay sample on Ecosystems at Risk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Human activities such as fishing, tourism and deforestation have had huge impacts on the balance of these ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest biological organism in the world, the balanced ecology of the Great Barrier Reef is very vulnerable to even the smallest human influence. The range, frequency and the scale of human impacts on coral reefs are building to the extent that reefs are threatened globally. Pollution, global warming and over-fishing are the main factors that are tipping the stability of the ecosystems within the coral reefs. Pollution has made a huge impact on the Great Barrier Reef and its struggle for survival, human based pollution has caused such harm to our reefs that it needs to be stopped or reduced dramatically in order to save our this fragile ecosystem. The human pollution has been a major source for issues concerning the Great Barrier Reef and its struggle to survive in modern day conditions. The Amazon rainforest is one of the world’s largest tropical rainforest covering more than half of Brazil. Deforestation is the major concern in the Amazon Forest, there is little thought been given to sustainable methods for the region. Due to Brazil’s economic situation, the government decided to use the Amazon Basin to increase activity in the agricultural industry; As a result the largest factor of forest destruction has been to create temporary cattle pastures but because most of the regions poor soil the pastures is only viable for a few years. Government policies have allowed the destruction of the forest to be so extensive that there are no more incentives for cattle pasture in Amazonian Brazil. Deforestation causes the rapid depletion of resources; this is happening because the natural resources are being extracted through mining. Products such as Mahogany and Brazilian Cherry Wood are being cut at such a rate that they are now considered a rarity; these products are also the most useful products in the region. If nothing is done to stop the mining of these natural resources there will be none left. Overfishing is one of the major driving pressures that have devastated impacts on coral reefs. Aggressive fishing methods have often hurt coral reefs sometimes beyond repair. Overfishing of a certain species near coral reefs can easily affect the reef’s ecological balance and biodiversity. Overfishing of certain species near coral reefs can easily affect the reef’s ecological balance and biodiversity. Due to certain amounts of nutrients, oxygen and salt content the fishes in the coral reef ecosystem help maintain the balance needed by the corals and without these fishes the coral reef would collapse. There are many necessary steps to help stop overfishing, these are: designing effective conservation programs, finding the impact of management actions, knowing the drivers of overfishing and deciding how are we made to exceed sustainable limitations on fishers. The animal resources are subject to exactly the same plundering. For example, many of the best edible fish such as the piracacu have had their populations greatly reduced by overfishing without any seasonal control to avoid the breeding season. The use of gill nets, dynamite and other environmentally unacceptable methods of fishing is having a drastic effect on the product that is the best source of protein in the region. Already river turtles have been over hunted to almost extinction through the use of their meat and eggs. The exploitation of natural resources has been great and has put the ecosystem at great risk. Ecosystems are very precise , fragile and have an almost equilibrium like environment, it needs all its elements to be able to function and to be stable, that is why even the slightest human interference is often harmful to the ecosystem, and given the modern context we are increasing the damage done to the Great Barrier Reef ; the Amazon forest. If we do not stop our destructive ways, humans will eventually destroy all major ecosystems. How to cite Ecosystems at Risk, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Learning Centered free essay sample

After evaluating each of the learner centered principles, I developed metaphors to express my understanding and philosophies of the factors involved in learning. Cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, affective, developmental, social, and individual differences factors will be examined and supported. We can all be better learners and teachers if we understand the foundation of our learning. Human learning, development, and motivation are extremely important components to be knowledgeable about when becoming a teacher.Understanding the cognitive and metacognitive factors of learning will result in building and constructing the foundation of learning. Therefore, when I thought about myself as a teacher, I would describe myself as a building block or Legos. This was the first thing that came to my mind as I thought about the learning process, goals, and strategic thinking. Each subcomponent focused on building on top of the basic learning and constructing new ways of thinking. In the cognitive theories of learning module and example was given to support the idea of building on prior knowledge. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning Centered or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Children learning how to spell must know how to combine letters and sounds first before they can actually spell a word. As a teacher and student, I want to continue to build on my knowledge. Foundations of learning should be developed early on in a student’s education. It is then up to their teachers to continue to build upon that base, teach them to think about the information they add and why. They must also consider the things around them that may influence how they think. Several people and circumstances develop the cognitive and metacognitive factors of learners.Teachers must know their students. The instructor must know what motivates the student and how they learn. After evaluating the motivational and affective factors of learners, I am like a life coach; which is a practice that helps people identify and achieve personal goals. I believe this person directly relates with this factor of learning for several reasons. A life coach examines the internal world of thoughts, beliefs, and goals of an individual. This factor of learning provides motivational and emotional influences. Motivation is most effective when personal choices and goals are in place.The coach pulls the goals out of the student and gets them to think about what is important to them. The learner centered psychological principles handout along with the behavioral theories in the classroom module both expound upon how important intrinsic motivation is for the student. They must want to learn and achieve their personal goals in order for them to be successful. As a rule, I usually set high standards for myself, so I am naturally intrinsically motivated. A lot of my students will probably not be, so it is up to me to coach and guide them into setting goals for themselves and wanting to reach them on their own.This will be one of my biggest personal goals when I begin teaching. In addition to knowing our students, we must know how their learning is developed and what or who influences them. The student’s progress depends on several factors; physical, intellectual, emotional, and social. Educators must assess when their students learn best and when material is appropriate based on these developmental factors. We must also realize that learning is enhanced when the learner has the opportunity to interact and collaborate with their peers.As I thought about these factors, I would say that I am like a television. I believe that television influences our students tremendously; even more than we should allow it to. However, the truth remains, that TV has an impact on how children think and what influences them. Creators of television shows and networks often appeal to the developmental stage of the children by creating networks or channels dedicated to specific age groups. Interacting with their peers, students will likely talk about the things that they watch on television. Shows are sually presented in an enjoyable and interesting way, which appeals to the children. Some shows even allow them to interact and collaborate; either by speaking back to the television or going online to play games or answer trivia about the shows they watch. After realizing what developmental stage the students are in, we need to take their differences into account. Appropriate learning environments must be established in each classroom. As instructors, we must identify and be knowledgeable about the different learning styles, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds of our students.Enhanced learning, motivation, and achievement are often recognized when students feel as though their differences are acknowledged. Therefore, teachers must continue to set standards and challenge their students based on what they know they can achieve. Testing the understanding of the learner reinforces that they have actually learned the material that has been taught to them. As I thought about my understanding of individual differences factors, I thought of myself as a college band director. This pivotal figure has to take into account the many diverse backgrounds and experiences of the band members.A band has several different, unique instruments that are all drawn together by the band director to make one sound. They may practice separately by sections, but in the end, they all come together with what they have learned. The band as a whole is assessed when they have a performance. Their show reveals how well they did and what they may need to work on based on the standards that the band director establishes. Going into schools that may be out of our comfort zone will take a lot of understanding to get to know the stories of the students we want to teach.If I had to think about an overall metaphor that relates to each of the individual factors of learning, I would say that I was like a community center. Each of the elements, building blocks, a life coach, a television, and a band director can be found at one. Because I understand each of the factors of learning, my students can benefit from all of these elements in one person. I hope to be understanding, empathetic, and culturally relevant. My metaphor at the beginning of the class was as a teacher, I am a drill sergeant. Drill sergeants teach new recruits basic training. As an elementary school teacher, my focus will be to start building a foundation of education and life lessons that will mold their futures. Drill sergeants have a stereotypical persona of being loud, and a no-nonsense disciplinarian. I am not loud, but I do intend to be stern, fair, set my expectations high, and expect for them to be followed. Reflecting on my original metaphor from the beginning of the class, I may also see a drill sergeant at a community center as well. The importance of establishing a foundation that can support future and lifelong learning is the ultimate goal.Sharing my experiences of growing up in an urban, low-income community should let my students know that I understand where and what they are coming from. Revealing my success story will hopefully encourage and motivate the children to seek personal goals and work hard to achieve them. If I keep the learner centered principles prevalent and practice them, I should have a smooth running classroom. As a teacher and a student, I have to make sure that all of my actions are centered on the learner. These successful theories and factors will help teachers and students identify what they need to do to be high achieving students.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free Essays on Greasy Lake

Bad to the Bone During a time when it was hip to be bad, three teenagers thought they were the epitome of the word. In T. Coraghessan Boyle’s short story, â€Å"Greasy Lake,† the three young men seek adventure at a local hangout. After playing a practical joke on one of their friends at Greasy Lake, the three teens quickly realize that they are in for more adventure than they had bargained for. By the end of the night, the narrator of the story matures significantly after he and his friends, Digby and Jeff, run into some people more â€Å"bad† than themselves. The bars and clubs are closing and they had cruised the strip 67 times. There is nothing left for the three boys to do but head up to Greasy Lake. Upon arriving at the lake, Digby recognizes a mint ’57 Chevy as his friend Tony Lovett’s car. After beating on the horn and strobing their lights at the Chevy, they exit their vehicle in hopes of catching a glimpse of their friend engaging in some kind of sexual act. As they near the Chevy, a very bad character with greasy jeans steps out of the car. The narrator receives a swift kick in the jaw that knocks him to the ground. To his defense Digby delivers â€Å"a savage kung fu blow to the greasy character’s collar bone† (114). Unimpressed by the blow, the greasy man knocks Digby to the ground with a swift roundhouse. Meanwhile, Jeff jumps on the man’s back and bites his ear while the narrator grabs the tire iron from beneath the driver’s seat. He had kept the tire iron under his seat bec ause â€Å"bad characters always keep tire irons under the driver’s seat† (114). The narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy character and it strikes him across his ear. The man collapses from the blow. The instant before the narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy man, he had already begun to imagine the conversation between himself and the detective working the murder case. After he strikes the man, he begins... Free Essays on Greasy Lake Free Essays on Greasy Lake Bad to the Bone During a time when it was hip to be bad, three teenagers thought they were the epitome of the word. In T. Coraghessan Boyle’s short story, â€Å"Greasy Lake,† the three young men seek adventure at a local hangout. After playing a practical joke on one of their friends at Greasy Lake, the three teens quickly realize that they are in for more adventure than they had bargained for. By the end of the night, the narrator of the story matures significantly after he and his friends, Digby and Jeff, run into some people more â€Å"bad† than themselves. The bars and clubs are closing and they had cruised the strip 67 times. There is nothing left for the three boys to do but head up to Greasy Lake. Upon arriving at the lake, Digby recognizes a mint ’57 Chevy as his friend Tony Lovett’s car. After beating on the horn and strobing their lights at the Chevy, they exit their vehicle in hopes of catching a glimpse of their friend engaging in some kind of sexual act. As they near the Chevy, a very bad character with greasy jeans steps out of the car. The narrator receives a swift kick in the jaw that knocks him to the ground. To his defense Digby delivers â€Å"a savage kung fu blow to the greasy character’s collar bone† (114). Unimpressed by the blow, the greasy man knocks Digby to the ground with a swift roundhouse. Meanwhile, Jeff jumps on the man’s back and bites his ear while the narrator grabs the tire iron from beneath the driver’s seat. He had kept the tire iron under his seat bec ause â€Å"bad characters always keep tire irons under the driver’s seat† (114). The narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy character and it strikes him across his ear. The man collapses from the blow. The instant before the narrator swings the tire iron at the greasy man, he had already begun to imagine the conversation between himself and the detective working the murder case. After he strikes the man, he begins...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The History of the European Union

The History of the European Union The European Union (EU) was created by the Maastricht Treaty on Nov.  1, 1993. Its a political and economic union between European countries that sets policies concerning the members’ economies, societies, laws, and, to some extent, security. To some, the EU is an overblown bureaucracy that  drains money and compromises the power of sovereign states. For others, its the best way to meet challenges smaller nations might struggle with- such as economic growth and negotiations with larger nations- and worth surrendering some sovereignty to achieve. Despite many years of integration, opposition remains strong, but states have acted pragmatically, at times, to sustain  the union. Origins of the EU The EU  wasnt created in one go by the Maastricht Treaty  but was the result of gradual integration since 1945. The success of one level of union gave confidence and impetus for a next level. In this way, the EU can be said to have been formed by the demands of its member nations. The end of World War II  left Europe divided between the communist, Soviet-dominated eastern bloc and the largely democratic western nations. There were fears over what direction a rebuilt Germany would take. In the West, thoughts of a federal European union re-emerged with hopes of binding Germany into pan-European democratic institutions to the extent that it, or any other allied European nation, wouldn’t be able to start a new war and would resist the expansion of the communist East. The First Union: the ECSC Europe’s post-war nations weren’t just seeking  peace; they were also after solutions to economic problems, such as raw materials being in one country and the industry to process them in another. War had left Europe exhausted, with industry greatly damaged and defenses possibly unable to stop Russia. Six neighboring countries agreed in The Treaty of Paris to form an area of free trade for several key resources, including coal, steel, and iron ore, chosen for their role in industry and the military. This body was called the European Coal and Steel Community and involved Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, and Luxembourg. It began on July 23, 1952, and ended on July 23, 2002, replaced by further unions. France had suggested the ECSC to control Germany and to rebuild industry. Germany wanted to become an equal player in Europe again and rebuild its reputation, as did Italy, while the others hoped for growth and feared being left behind. France, afraid Britain would try to quash the plan, didn’t include it in initial discussions. Britain stayed out, wary of giving up power and content with the economic potential offered by the Commonwealth. A group of supranational (a level of governance above nation states) bodies was created  to manage the ECSC: a council of ministers, a common assembly, a high authority, and a court of justice to legislate, develop ideas, and resolve disputes. The later EU  would emerge  from these key bodies, a process that some of the ECSC’s creators had envisaged, as they explicitly stated creation of a federal Europe as their long-term goal. The European Economic Community A false step was taken in the mid-1950s when a proposed  European defense community among the ESSC’s six states was drawn up. It called for a joint army to be controlled by a new supranational defense minister. The initiative was rejected after France’s National Assembly voted it down. However, the success of the ECSC led to the members signing two new treaties in 1957, both called the treaty of Rome. This created the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), which was to pool knowledge of atomic energy, and the European Economic Community (EEC), with a common market among the members with no tariffs or impediments to the flow of labor and goods. It aimed to continue economic growth and avoid the protectionist policies of pre-war Europe. By 1970 trade within the common market had increased fivefold. Also created was the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to boost members farming and an end to monopolies. The CAP, which wasn’t based on a common market but on government subsidies to support local farmers, has become one of the most controversial EU policies.​ Like the ECSC, the EEC created several supranational bodies: a council of ministers to make decisions, a common assembly (called the European Parliament from 1962) to give advice, a court that could overrule member states, and a commission to put the policy into effect. The 1965 Brussels Treaty merged the commissions of the EEC, ECSC, and Euratom to create a joint, permanent civil service. Development A late 1960s power struggle established the need for unanimous agreements on key decisions, effectively giving member states a veto. It has been argued that this slowed union by two decades. Over the 70s and 80s, membership in the EEC expanded, allowing Denmark, Ireland, and the UK in 1973, Greece in 1981, and Portugal and Spain in 1986. Britain had changed its mind after seeing its economic growth lag behind the EECs, and after America indicated it would support Britain as a rival voice in the EEC to France and Germany. Ireland and Denmark, heavily dependent upon the UK economy, followed it in to keep pace and attempt to develop themselves away from Britain. Norway applied at the same time but withdrew after a referendum   failed. Meanwhile, member states began to see European integration as a way to balance the influence of Russia and America. Breakup? On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU and become the first member state to use a previously untouched release clause. As of 2016, there were 27 countries in the European Union (with year of joining): Austria (1995)Belgium (1957)Bulgaria (2007)Croatia (2013)Cyprus  (2004)Czech Republic (2004)Denmark (1973)Estonia  (2004)Finland  (1995)France  (1957)Germany  (1957)Greece (1981)Hungary  (2004)Ireland  (1973)Italy  (1957)Latvia  (2004)Lithuania  (2004)Luxembourg  (1957)Malta  (2004)The Netherlands  (1957)Poland  (2004)Portugal  (1986)Romania (2007)Slovakia  (2004)Slovenia  (2004)Spain (1986)Sweden  (1995) The development of the EU  slowed in the 70s, frustrating federalists who sometimes refer to it as a dark age. Attempts to create an economic and monetary union were drawn up but derailed by the declining international economy. However, impetus returned by the 80s, partly because of fears that Reagan’s U.S. was moving away from Europe and preventing EEC members from forming links with  Communist countries  in an attempt to slowly bring them back into the democratic fold. Foreign policy became an area for consultation and group action. Other funds and bodies were created including the European Monetary System in 1979 and methods of giving grants to underdeveloped areas. In 1987 the Single European Act (SEA) evolved the EEC’s role a step further. Now European Parliament members were given the ability to vote on legislation and issues, with the number of votes dependent on each member’s population. The Maastricht Treaty and the European Union On Feb.  7, 1992, European integration moved another step further when the Treaty on European Union,   known as the Maastricht Treaty, was signed. This came into force on Nov. 1, 1993, and changed the EEC into the newly named European Union. The change broadened the work of the supranational bodies based around three â€Å"pillars†: the European Communities, giving more power to the European parliament; a common security/foreign policy; and involvement in the domestic affairs of member nations on â€Å"justice and home affairs.† In practice, and to pass the mandatory unanimous vote, these were all compromises away from the unified ideal. The EU also set guidelines for creation of a single currency, although when this was introduced in 1999 three nations opted out and one failed to meet the required targets. Currency and economic reform were now being driven largely by the fact that the U.S. and Japanese economies were growing faster than Europe’s, especially after expanding quickly into the new developments in electronics. There were objections from poorer member nations, which wanted more money from the union, and larger nations, which wanted to pay less; a compromise was eventually reached. One planned side effect of the closer economic union and the creation of a single market was the greater co-operation in social policy that would have to occur as a result. The Maastricht Treaty also formalized the concept of EU citizenship, allowing any individual from an EU nation to run for office in their government, which was also changed to promote decision-making. Perhaps most controversially, the EU’s entrance into domestic and legal matters- which produced the Human Rights Act and overrode many member states’ local laws- produced rules relating to free movement within the EU’s borders, leading to paranoia about mass migrations from poorer EU nations to richer ones. More areas of members’ government were affected than ever before, and the bureaucracy expanded. The Maastricht Treaty faced heavy opposition, only narrowly passing in France and forcing  a vote in the UK. Further Enlargements In 1995 Sweden, Austria, and Finland joined, while in 1999 the Treaty of Amsterdam came into effect, bringing employment, working and living conditions, and other social and legal issues into the EU. By then Europe was facing great changes caused by the collapse of the Soviet dominated East and the emergence of economically weakened but newly democratic eastern nations. The 2001 Treaty of Nice tried to prepare for this, and a number of states entered into special agreements in which they initially joined parts of the EU system, such as the free trade zones. There were discussions over streamlining voting and modifying the CAP, especially as Eastern Europe had a much higher percentage of the population involved in agriculture than the West, but in the end financial worries prevented change. While there was opposition,  10 nations joined in 2004 and two in 2007. By this time there had been agreements to apply majority voting to more issues, but national vetoes remained on tax, security, and other issues. Worries over international crime, as criminals had formed effective cross-border organizations, were now acting as an impetus. The Lisbon Treaty The EU’s level of integration is unmatched in the modern world. Some want to move it closer still, though many don’t. The Convention on the Future of Europe was created in 2002 to write an EU constitution. The draft, signed in 2004, aimed to install a permanent EU president, a foreign minister, and a charter of rights. It would have also allowed the EU to make many more decisions instead of the heads’ of the individual members. It was rejected in 2005, when France and the Netherlands failed to ratify it and before other EU members got the chance to vote. An amended work, the Lisbon Treaty, still aimed to install an EU president and foreign minister, as well as expand the EU’s legal powers, but only through developing the existing bodies. This was signed in 2007 but initially rejected, this time by voters in Ireland. However, in 2009 Irish voters passed the treaty, many concerned about the economic effects of saying no. By the winter of 2009 all 27 EU states had ratified the process, and it took effect. Herman Van Rompuy, at that time Belgium prime minister, became the first president of the European Council, and Britain’s Baroness Catherine Ashton became high representative for foreign affairs. There remained many political opposition parties- and politicians in the ruling parties- that opposed the treaty, and the EU remains a divisive issue in the politics of all member nations.

Friday, February 14, 2020

English law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

English law - Essay Example ?s populace from unexpected data losses, as a matter of fact the largest data loss ever recorded in history which occurred on the inauspicious 21st of November 2007 was within the United Kingdom itself, and that too by the inappropriate management by government’s recruits themselves; within this data breach hefty information which encompassed the bank and employment details of more than 25 million Britons was lost. The data also included personal information about many renowned and wealthy personalities. (Hines, ONeill, & Blakely, 2007) Very soon after the data theft incident the Times reported another scandal where the missiles triggered by the ICO had missed by a continent as the report reveals that about 100 hacker websites were candidly selling off Bank details and secret PIN numbers (Mostrous & Kennedy, 2007). This report triggered off yet another tittle-tattle and directly questioned the ostensible â€Å"complexity† of the Data Protection Act. This report specifically focuses on the data protection policies for Banks and their Customers; this also includes avowals in various litigations such as the case of Bavarian Lager Co Ltd. v Commission of the European Communities. At the outset, it is to be declared that the Data Protection Act specifically focuses on the prevention of all sorts of data for living beings, may that be Bank details; personal info such as marital status, age, etc.; profession info; or last but not least secure data. Thus it is clear that the prime focus of Data Protection Act primarily places preference for the customer. As a matter of fact the Data Protection Act in the U.K. is known to be the most austere amongst similar laws in any other part of the world. The author would like to address this case because this created results that were the basic foundations of the data protection and information transfer procedures: The Basis of this case was negligence in clarifying the bank’s policies, this led to the outburst of the so called

Saturday, February 1, 2020

10 C's for Writing Effectively Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

10 C's for Writing Effectively - Research Paper Example It is therefore highly due of the organization to pay him back in a modest way and send him off with the most deserving manner that he deserves. It is therefore decided that a formal farewell will be organized which will be held in the evening hours of the working. All the members are cordially invited to and requested to join the farewell party and make their presence felt and pay back the honorable officer Mr. Joe Banyon as a tribute to his contributions. The departments are requested to organize and arrange for activities in the form of small skits, performances, tribute or any other effort that may make the respected Mr. Joe Banyon well received and warmly treated before his retirement. The farewell party is still six days away, and the following email ids and phone numbers are attached through which the members can get in touch and coordinate or consult for any kind of suggestions, information or ideas that they may feel appropriate for the event for which gathering and entire event is being organized. These Cs include, communication, Correctness and Coherence. All of these variables were either partially touched upon or were missing in the initially written mail and letter. Adding these have made it possible to address the entire unit. The addition of email address, and adding formal touch to the letter has also added one more C of formal letter writing. This C is added in the form of Connection between the different elements of the letter. The connection point allows for a clearly written paper establishing a link between the different terminals and points of

Friday, January 24, 2020

Garden for the Blind Essay :: Architecture Design Essays

Garden for the Blind Essay One of the first actions needed in constructing a garden for the blind on the south lawn of Hume Hall is to construct a barrier on the northern end and eastern end surrounding the garden so as to block out any unwanted street noise. The wall would preferably be cement, with the sides facing Museum Road and North-South Drive unpainted so as to absorb as much sound as possible. However, the sides facing the garden should be painted so as to reflect the sounds of the garden back to its occupants. This wall may need to be as high as seven feet or larger, however high it needs to be in order to block as much external noise as possible. When a person walks through this garden, the first sense that is triggered is the sense of sound, for the walkway is wooden at the beginning of the garden path. Since this garden is situated on a steep hillside, the walkway needs to be level and built up next to the hillside, with steps going down leading to the next level walkway. The garden path continues, winding back and forth to the bottom of the hill. The entrance to this garden is to the west of the north wall, and the first realization that one is in the garden is the aroma of the mints lining the edges of the walkway on the hillside. Wooden railings line either side of the walkway to help guide the visitor, and the person would be able to touch, smell, and even taste the different mint plants lining this area of the garden. The different mints would include chocolate mint, pineapple mint, spearmint, and peppermint. The next area of the garden a person encounters is one that appeals to the active touch, for these plants have appealing textured bark and leaves. A person realizes that this next stage of the garden applies a different sense because the walkway changes to a brick path, which reflects a different sound to the person, whether he or she is tapping the path with a cane or simply listening to the sound of his or her own footsteps. The first plants found in this ?texture? area are crape myrtle, which have smooth bark. These plants can be considered small trees or shrubs, and occupy some space, so the visitor can walk along the path, gently touching the leaves and bark until the next plant, the lamb?

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Online Sales and Inventory Essay

1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Auto supply or auto parts dealers are stores which sells variety of car parts. Some auto supply companies also offers services like car repairs or maintenance and even a car wash. Auto supply has a lot of product line to sell with; it’s either for the performance side (brake fluid, coolant, radiator, engine belts, oil filters, clutch disc, hoses) or the physical side (paintjob, tires, mugs, lights). Some stores are more into car accessories (car alarm system, central lock, sound systems, vinyl, etc.) or tires and mugs selling. Big scale companies tend to have all of these. JTU Auto Supply is a medium scaled company that sells car parts for performance and maintenance of the car. It has been running around 5 years since it was established January 2008. JTU Auto Supply’s name was derived from the initials of â€Å"Jessie T. Uy† who is the owner of the company. From the experience of its owner, Jessie T. Uy of being a taxi driver before, He got interested and came up lots of ideas about different car parts that make him successfully established JTU Auto Supply. JTU Auto Supply’s main colors are red and yellow because the colors are striking, attractive, and visible. The owner also likes the color red because he has Chinese blood. JTU Auto Supply is different compare to other medium scaled auto supply companies because they are keen on having a certain image. They are clean, organized, and has a good structure. An impression to the buyers in proving their tag line â€Å"Tapat sa Presyo†. JTU Auto supply has five physical branches around Cavite located at Pag-asa subdivision which is its main branch, Buhay na tubig, along Molino road near SM Molino, Along Aguinaldo Highway and Salitran. Each branch is dependent on their main branch at Pag-asa. They provide varieties of products and selling five main product lines. These are replacement parts, performance, accessories, fluids and chemicals, and tools. The uses of these for the vehicle are for maintenances or performances. Under replacement parts includes air conditioning, battery and accessories, belts and hoses, body, trim and mirrors, brakes, charging and starting, engine parts, cooling, heating, exhaust fuel, emission, ignition, transmission, wiper and lot more. Under performance includes body styling components, oil, sealers, and additives, tuners, safety equipment and more. If you go for accessories it includes chrome, dress up, exterior and interior and also for trucks. If you need tools they have for body repair, diagnostic tools, electrical, lift equipment, gloves, work wear, safety equipment, tapes, books and manuals too. Under fluids they have windshield wash, A/C chemicals, antifreeze, de-icers, cleaners, brakes, battery chemicals, fuel system, gasket markers, remover, sealers, grease, lubes, adhesives, paint, body repair, maintenance chemicals, leak detectors and oils. Mr. Jessie T. Uy mentioned that they have approximately 15,000 products all-in-all and over a thousand each product line that they have. The main goal of the JTU business is to give its customers a trust and confidence to buy its products and services. To prove to its customers that JTU Auto Supply is dependable, clean, consistent and honest. For the future, they wanted to be like a convenience store and to franchise its business. This impressions and trusts JTU Auto Supply gives customers an attraction to come back. The tagline â€Å"Bringing services to your doorstep† m eans offering to the customers, a great services in terms of delivery of products. They have free delivery fee and can deliver products within 13-15 kilometer radius from its branches for 10-20 minutes. They still offer free delivery beyond the said distance but JTU Auto Supply cannot guarantee the time of delivery. It comes to proponents interest that they never seen a medium scale auto supply have grown this fast yet still having some operational problems and transaction flaws. The problems of the company that they often encountered are mostly in the sales and inventory. JTU Auto Supply manually encodes large amount of items in their inventory. Manually generates sales reports from the receipts or sales invoices they have. They also manually checks and track the inventories in every branches through phone calls, texting or even visiting. This may cause inconvenience in their part especially now that the company starts to grow more. They store their data into Microsoft Excel and open source software such as Quickbook that may cause some security problems in terms to the employees working inside the company. There is a possibility to alter the reports and confidential data. A problem observed is that when it comes to compatibility and specification of the product is hard to find, having lots of possible models in just a single part. Mainly in there free delivery, customers will not be able to see the product itself and causes a lot of misunderstanding or mistakes on the products they ordered. 1.2STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM JTU Auto Supply has five physical stores, all of the branches including the main branch are manually tracking, and checking the remaining items and sold items on each branches’ inventory is by calling, texting, and visiting each branches. Mr. Jessie T. Uy always visit and call each branches (except if he has emergency appointments) just to check updates of sales and inventory such as its needs of every branches. This is very inconvenient for his part since he has also other businesses and works to do. JTU Auto Supply also manually adds, edit, and delete the large amount of items on the Microsoft Excel which is inconvenient. As of now, they already have approximately 15,000 items but as the company grow, JTU Auto Supply is having difficulty in maintaining their inventory. The data on their company such as inventory files, sales invoice files, reports, and a like are also not secured because any person or employee can add, edit, view, and delete it on the Microsoft Excel without the permission and not knowing of the owner. They also manually compute and generate the sales report that may lead to data inconsistencies and errors. They generate it using their copy of sales invoice. JTU Auto Supply has some problems in handling orders via telephone. In their operation they take orders what they can see physically and do not deduct it on the main inventory they have, this causes the items to run out of stocks. Example of this is when a customer calls to order a 5 pieces of 1 litre of brake fluids, the employee will accept the order and deduct on their store’s inventory but someone came to the store and buys exactly 5 pieces of 1 litre of brake fluids. The problem is that physically, an employee sees that there are still remaining item on the storeâ⠂¬â„¢s inventory without knowing that someone has already purchased it. 1.3RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 1.3.1 General Objectives The proposed JTU Auto Supply Online sales and inventory system aims to develop and provide JTU Auto Supply an Online Sales and Inventory system. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives Conduct an interview to identify the problems and needs of the company. Study existing system to define the company problems and needs. Gather information that will be needed in developing proposed system. Analyze gathered information to come up with solutions and in order to design a proposed system. Create a system that will be functional and much help for the company. Evaluate and test the system and help in maintaining the system. 1.4SIGNIFICANCE/JUSTIFICATION 1.4.1 To management. JTU Auto Supply will be able to use the online sales and inventory system because it will fix the problems encountered by the employees. These problems particularly are the manual checking and tracking of inventory from one branch to another and manual computation and encoding of sales in Microsoft Excel. The proposed JTU Auto Supply system also will advertise them further through the website to attract more customers. 1.4.2 To customers. The customers would benefit from the proposed system due to its ease in making transaction, creating orders and buying through online. It is convenient for the customers to buy online and deliver it to their doors hassle-free. Customers can check the availability and price of the item they wish to buy anytime without visiting JTU Auto Supply stores. 1.4.3 To proponents. The Proponents idea and knowledge in establishing a website will become broader. Techniques and programming skills will be developed and will understand more the programming language that will be used. The study will also help them to understand the process of transactions and real problems in real world business. 1.4.4 To future researchers. The study will be useful to the future researchers who will conduct a similar study to JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory System. The study can serve as the reference in creating the documentation of the future studies including its format and content. 1.5CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK InputProcessOutput 1.6SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system are selling and tracking its products and services through online. It features different categories of the products and services, its prices, their descriptions and modes of payments. The mode of payment is cash-on-delivery basis only. The JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system will also allow the customers to avail its products only if the user has an account to the website. The proposed will have a built-in shopping cart for the list of orders of the customers. Customers can confirm and cancel their orders through shopping cart. Once the order is confirmed, the item will be delivered. The coverage of its delivery is limited only 13-15 km radius of their branches. 15-20 minutes of delivery is guaranteed only if the location is covered in the 13-15km radius. Directions and contact information of JTU Auto Supply are also included for those customers who wish to visit and call directly the branches. Allowing and providing a customers’ corner will also be included for them to post their questions, inquiries, suggestions and other important concerns regarding the services and products of JTU Auto Supply. The JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system will also include the tracking inventory and sold products on every JTU Auto Supply branches. The Pag-asa branch which is the main branch of JTU Auto Supply will be in-charge with the online ordering and delivery of the ordered items. The system will provide an account for administrators of the JTU Auto Supply to control and maintain the system process such as adding, editing, and deleting items on the inventory database. For the communication of each branch, the proposed system will also provide message box or e-mail for the administrator to administrator account from one branch to another.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Should Abortion Be Legal - 1806 Words

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics of all times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is the matter of a personal opinion, where, each side can say with certainty that the other one is wrong. The question remains, should abortion be legal? Though some may disagree on this point, the fact is that legalized abortion is the only way to protect the lives of women around the world. If you look into American history to see the results of prohibiting abortions to women, you will see that no abortion means more women dead. The violence, which occurs today because of the pro-choice/pro-life conflicts is minimal in comparison to the thousands of hopeless women who turned to illegal abortions--either self-inflicted or preformed by the backroom professionals, which resulted in infection, massive blood loss, and death. It is now since the abortion is legal better for women, because they have a place to go to where abortions can be performed in a clean environment and with minimum risks. The legalization of abortion is the only choice, no matter what side one takes in the debate. Women will try to do what they think is necessary to live as they wish, no matter what the risks are. In order to live as she chooses a womanShow MoreRelatedAbortion Should Not Be Legal1647 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most highly debated topics is abortion and whether or not it should be legal. People who oppose abortion, meaning they are pro-life claim that abortion should be completely illegal with no aspects of it whatsoever; it can be a murder for the people standing against it. The other side of the argument, meaning people who are pro-choice, defend it by believing it to be a right been given to the women. They also claim even if abortion was to be illegal, it would still be practiced. EveryRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal920 Words   |  4 Pagesworld has struggled with for ages and one thing that people are advocating around the world for is abortion. Abortion is either a procedure or pill that stops a fetus s heart. Abortion should not be legal because life beings at creation, abortions are a direct violation of the 14th amendment, and thousands of people woul d love to adopt a child: handicapped or otherwise. Abortion should not be legal because life begins at creation. What is creation? Some people say conception, but it actually isRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1320 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion, as you all may know, is a really popular topic. There have long been many debates between the two groups, pro-life and pro-choice. People who are pro-life believe that part of the government’s job is to protect all forms of human life. Those who are pro-choice believe that every individual should have control over their own reproductive systems. Pro-life supporters strongly believe that even an undeveloped fetus has life; it is still growing and it needs to be protected. And this soundsRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1217 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 2015 Should Abortion be Legal Among all the issues that have been fought for or against in the United States, abortion may be one of the most popular issues that Americans are passionate about. Abortion is defined as the removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Thousands of abortions take place every single day, and yet public opinion remains at a standstill as to whether or not abortion is ethical. Everyone holds different opinions on abortion. The proponentsRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pages Abortions have been performed on women for thousands of years. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Most often it is performed during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant. The controversy over whether or not abortion should be legal continues to divide Americans till this day. An important landmark case was the Roe v. Wade case, where the Court argued that the zone of privacy was broad enough to encompass a woman s decision whether or not to terminateRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal? Essay1089 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the word abortion is heard, it is always associated with many negative things such as murder and inhumanity. However not legalizing abortion creates a huge problem for women around the world. Having a child takes consideration, planning and preparation and if pregnancy happens without any of this, why bother to have it at all? The reasons why abortion should be legal is that it supports the fundamental human rights for women by giving them a choice, it reduces crime by reducing the number ofRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1135 Words   |  5 PagesKelsi Hodgkin Composition 1 Professor Chipps 19 October 2015 Should Abortion Be Legal A common debate in the world today involves abortion, the deliberate end of human pregnancy, and whether or not it should be legalized. â€Å"Every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day† (â€Å"Abortions Worldwide this Year†). On one side of the argument, people are not disturbed by this grotesque number, and on theRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?963 Words   |  4 PagesLegal or Illegal? Which would you prefer? Not many are willing to discuss such a gut wrenching topic, but this needs to be addressed. It is a very controversial topic with having to do with women rights and activists. Since there are two sides to every argument, there is one side such as to make abortion legal and the opposing side to keep abortions illegal. In my opinion making abortion illegal can regulate the amount of women who do get pregnant. I believe that making abortions legal will let womenRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?867 Words   |  4 PagesABORTION Abortion is a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. There are series of legal, moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questions’ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior toRead MoreShould Abortions Be Legal?939 Words   |  4 PagesShould abortions be legal? Abortions have been a big issue since the Roe v Wade case. There have been a lot of disagreements between the Pro-life supporters and the pro-choice supporters. Pro-life supporters feel like abortions deter murder, while pro-choice supporters believe that the women should be able to make their own decisions. I am a part of the pro-life supporters because I feel like abortions are wrong for several of reasons. Why should women get an abortion if there are other choices for